Chemica_solutions's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,50815,340solid-structSolidStruct is a Struct variant that allows the use of named parameters (via a hash) fo...
254,58751,323flirtProvides a single point for the publication and subscription ...
373,57825,362whoopee-cushionInflates JSON data recursively into structs to allow use of dot notation for data access.
493,93051,323concussionSucker Punch is an awesome gem which allows background tasks to be run from the current...
5128,02551,323augmentationsThe concern mechanism in ActiveSupport is handy but the code does a lot of stuff, most ...
6146,64551,323innitInstead of the awkward form: [1,2,3].include?(elem), you can now use:[1,2,3])
7178,18035,332administrate-rich-textIncorporate ActionText into Administrate to allow rich text editing in the dashboard.