Sachin21's Gems
# | Total Rank | Daily Rank | Name | Summary |
1 | 18,592 | 30,305 | space2underscore | Change the space into underscore |
2 | 22,123 | 30,305 | dmm-crawler | Show DMM and DMM.R18's crawled data. e.g. ranking |
3 | 65,088 | 63,432 | space2dot | Change the space into dot |
4 | 84,736 | 63,432 | space2dash | Change the space into dash |
5 | 84,895 | 15,400 | ruboty-dmm | A bot for DMM R18's rankings for 24, weeks, months |
6 | 103,465 | 63,432 | space2hyphen | Change the space into hyphen |
7 | 104,027 | 63,432 | emoji-regex | Make regex for latest unicode emoji from |