Jkassemi's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
117,01061,367atpay_buttonsAtpay button generator
222,43661,367bowtie-ioClient interface to the BowTie frontend development service
323,6669,821conf_confVerify correctness of environment variables
424,16861,367atpay_tokensClient interface for the @Pay API, key generation for performance optimization
534,79461,367stubbyDeclarative hosts / proxy management for multi-environment development
635,85861,367atpay_rubyRuby bindings for the @Pay API
762,92761,367upstart-unicorn-launcherLaunch unicorn with upstart
8103,46861,367bowtie-io-rack-streaming-proxyStreaming proxy for Rack, the rainbows to Rack::Proxy's unicorn.
9151,28761,367kaminari-surfaceAn extension to Kaminari pagination that brings the final page of a search results to t...