Pm's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
176,67654,789mexicoMExiCo is a library and API for the management of multimodal experimental corpora.
2109,56554,789fancy_writerFancyWriter is a wrapper around an IO object that allows you to augment text blocks wit...
3150,00154,789poseidon_rdfPOSEIdON (short for “Pimp your Objects with SEmantic InformatiON”) is a small library t...
4156,65854,789tcf2niftcf2nif converts NLP data from the TCF format (used by WebLicht) to the RDF-based NIF f...
5161,87554,789pilsThe pils ("Programmieren in linguistischen Seminaren") gem contains a collection of mod...