1 | 11,220 | 61,367 | jml_thrift | Ruby bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system |
2 | 11,224 | 61,367 | hbase_thrift_ruby | This is an updated HBase wrapper based on Thrift 1.0.0, gemified and ready to be used w... |
3 | 29,474 | 41,086 | hipster_sql_to_hbase | SQL to HBase parser using Treetop (output based on Thrift). Doing all this before it wa... |
4 | 75,761 | 61,367 | activerecord-hbase-adapter | HBase ActiveRecord adapter based on HipsterSqlToHbase |
5 | 88,827 | 61,367 | activerecord-jdbcphoenix-adapter | Phoenix SQL JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails. |
6 | 108,708 | 61,367 | jfish | This RDoc Generator was forked from RDoc's own JFish template and made into a Gem for e... |
7 | 110,268 | 61,367 | hostman | Easily block and unblock hosts on your computer |
8 | 147,904 | 61,367 | jdbc-phoenix | Install this gem `require 'jdbc/phoenix'` and invoke `Jdbc::Phoenix.load_driver` within... |