1 | 19,664 | 61,626 | smarter_listing | DRY improvements to the fine gem "smart_listing". See http://showcase.sology.eu/smart_l... |
2 | 55,711 | 80,049 | opal-actioncable | Bring all the ActionCable goodness back to the ruby language |
3 | 73,694 | 80,049 | jquery-mjs-nestedSortable-rails | Features
Designed to work seamlessly with the nested set model (have a look at the ... |
4 | 145,300 | 80,049 | torchrb | Torch wrapper for ruby |
5 | 145,664 | 80,049 | http_error_dogs | As seen here http://httpstatusdogs.com/ |
6 | 146,073 | 80,049 | http_error_cats | As seen here https://www.flickr.com/photos/girliemac/sets/72157628409467125/ |
7 | 153,513 | 163,113 | rails_livejs | Update any ActiveRecord value as it gets updated in the database. |