Robindaugherty's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1244248debug_inspectorAdds methods to DebugInspector to allow for inspection of backtrace frames. The debug_...
2254250binding_of_callerProvides the Binding#of_caller method. Using binding_of_caller we can grab bindings fr...
3433676better_errorsProvides a better error page for Rails and other Rack apps. Includes source code inspec...
48,8834,763guard-eslintAllows you to add eslint to your Guard toolchain, so that eslint is run.
517,78511,826better_errors-pryAddon to Better Errors that adds Pry to the REPL.
628,13453,556ahalogy-automationScripts that install applications on Ahalogy Mac computers.
751,21914,857guard-jest_runnerAllows you to add jest to your Guard toolchain, so that jest is run.
857,04253,556ember_cli_deploy_redisHandles the serving of page contents of deployed ember-cli projects deployed using our ...
966,08586,038circleci_deployment_notifierSends deployment notifications based on deployments that occur on CircleCI.
10144,24828,793guard-super_shellRuns a shell command when specific files change. Shows the output and a notificatio...
11165,47586,038snack-railsThis gem provides SnackJS for your Rails 3 application.
12143,51944,993better_better_errorsProvides a better error page for Rails and other Rack apps. Includes source code inspec...