Pezholio's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,3322,252grape-swagger-railsSwagger UI as Rails Engine for grape-swagger gem.
24,5525,643csvlintCSV Validator
37,6155,467mail-notifyRails plugin, send and preview email with GOV.UK Notify
411,81611,826breasalA Ruby gem that converts both British and Irish Eastings and northing to WGS84 latitude...
523,37624,968datapackageLibrary for working with data packages
636,77286,038cidTools to allow continuous integration when collaborating on data in Github
738,82186,038blocktrainTrain of fools
840,76886,038data_kittenGet dataset metadata in a consistent format - no matter what you throw at it
953,02386,038breatheA Ruby Wrapper for the BreateHR API
1058,60922,512marketplace_opportunity_scraperA Ruby gem that fetches the latest opportunities from the Digital Marketplace (h...
1270,64123,626incredibleBuild multi-page forms like a General
1379,44986,038odlifierGet information about an open licence using a simple identifier
1485,52653,556cache-buster♩ ♫ ♩ When a cache gets stuck, and something something else / Who you gonna call? ♩ ♫ ♩
1585,61931,663jsontableschemaA Ruby library for working with JSON Table Schema
1688,34335,920henryContinuously deploy your Rubygems via Travis
17103,90786,038certificate-factoryAutomagically generate Open Data Certificates from a CKAN Dataset or atom f...
18123,04586,038csv2schemaGenerate a JSON table schema from a CSV file
19147,83986,038dirty_harryA quick and dirty wrapper around the webservice
20158,14986,038bothanA Ruby client library for Bothan -