Janlindblom's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
169,35898,854quadtreeQuadtrees in Ruby.
275,47298,854ruby-dovadoDovado Router API for Ruby.
387,13698,854foundation-icons-sassFoundation icon font for SASS.
4136,60298,854replitdbA gem to access Replit Databases.
5146,86776,195jekyll-languagesGives you some language filters.
6156,60498,854mesopotamianMesopotamian mathematics.
7158,02398,854rot13-rubySimple rot13 cipher implementation. Installs the script "rot13".
8159,82898,854ohbyGenerate oh by codes.
9168,48798,854fixer_ioGet exchange rates from fixer.io.
10170,32598,854randomorgRuby-RandomOrg helps you make sure that random number of yours really is, you know, ran...
11177,44298,854tz-travelerFind timezone based on geographical location, offline.