Kkvlk's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
150,10953,556envredThis is a tool/wrapper for the apps that set env configuration from given redis machine.
256,01453,556envdgenGem provides a binary to generate envdir compatible env directories from .env foreman f...
360,13486,038boobyStupid config files parser scaffold.
478,53986,038vagrant-hmurcaHmurca's formation Vagrant plugin.
587,32286,038perfumeBunch of tools and utilities for common day-to-day tasks while working with microservic...
688,54386,038stargateStargate opens a portal to call remote methods via simple and reliable RPC protocols.
7118,99886,038gallusEasy to use and insanely powerfull logger for Ruby applications.
8119,63586,038talkingThis tiny library provides simple talking module for command line apps.
9148,07853,556kojakKojak allows you to trace and debug method calls.