1 | 5,641 | 10,620 | rash | simple extension to Hashie::Mash for rubyified keys, all keys are converted to undersco... |
2 | 6,447 | 11,223 | acts_as_follower | acts_as_follower is a Rubygem to allow any model to follow any other model. This is acc... |
3 | 19,093 | 61,367 | you_got_listed | Ruby API wrapper for yougotlistings.com built with httparty |
4 | 20,672 | 61,367 | rentjuicer | Ruby API wrapper for rentjuice.com built with httparty |
5 | 42,212 | 61,367 | schoolfinder | Ruby API wrapper for education.com schoolfinder built with httparty |
6 | 57,666 | 61,367 | zester | Ruby API wrapper for Zillow API built with httparty designed for multiple keys |
7 | 85,879 | 61,367 | yelp4r | Simple Ruby wrapper for the Yelp API built on HTTParty with parsers for available Neigh... |
8 | 103,238 | 41,086 | pdftk_forms | Fill out editable PDF forms with pdftk (http://www.accesspdf.com/pdftk/). |