#774's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,34122,267rashsimple extension to Hashie::Mash for rubyified keys, all keys are converted to undersco...
26,25911,157acts_as_followeracts_as_follower is a Rubygem to allow any model to follow any other model. This is acc...
318,51515,083you_got_listedRuby API wrapper for yougotlistings.com built with httparty
420,07518,600rentjuicerRuby API wrapper for rentjuice.com built with httparty
541,28141,979schoolfinderRuby API wrapper for education.com schoolfinder built with httparty
656,40352,733zesterRuby API wrapper for Zillow API built with httparty designed for multiple keys
784,12184,840yelp4rSimple Ruby wrapper for the Yelp API built on HTTParty with parsers for available Neigh...
8101,370105,358pdftk_formsFill out editable PDF forms with pdftk (http://www.accesspdf.com/pdftk/).