1 | 19,181 | 44,005 | bpluser | Shared user access gem for public front ends |
2 | 49,722 | 147,291 | bpl_enrich | Methods for enriching and standardizing metadata. |
3 | 71,582 | 147,291 | commonwealth-vlr-engine | Blacklight plugin for virtual local repositories from Digital Commonwealth |
4 | 81,843 | 107,887 | bplgeo | Parse string for potential geographic matches and return that data along with the TGN I... |
5 | 103,165 | 60,549 | omniauth-polaris | A Polaris API strategy for OmniAuth. |
6 | 107,132 | 147,291 | bplmodels | Common Boston Library repository models. |
7 | 117,483 | 84,493 | mei | A Metadata Enrichment Interface (MEI) for Hydra Forms. |
8 | 146,722 | 147,291 | bpl-institution-management | Rails engine to do user institutions in an RDBMS for hydra-head |
9 | 161,513 | 107,887 | hist | Detailed version tracking of an item and its associations in Ruby on Rails. Based on Pa... |