Ezekg's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,72830,305theme-juicetj helps you create new local WordPress development sites, manage existing sites, and d...
211,79263,432flint-gsFlint is a highly advanced Sass grid framework designed for rapid responsive development.
320,4458,229SassyExportSassyExport is a lightweight Sass extension that allows you to export an encoded Sass m...
428,68663,432graphite-sassGraphite allows you to import fonts into your stylesheet in a syntax similar to Google ...
535,23211,043sass-profSass Prof is a code profiler for Sass. For each function, Sass Prof will show the execu...
642,05063,432guard-mthamlGuard::MtHaml automatically compiles your MtHaml template files to PHP, Twig or static ...
758,95163,432guard-uglifyguard file for the uglifier gem
8106,78730,305sassy-exportSassy Export is a lightweight Sass extension that allows you to export an encoded Sass ...
9110,71763,432guard-image_optimGuard::ImageOptim automatically optimizes your images with image_optim.
10115,36363,432stampyStampy outputs a nifty timestamp, the current Sass version and other fun stuff into you...