1 | 13,923 | 9,878 | griddler-amazon_ses | Griddler adapter for AWS SES (handle incoming email replies through SES) |
2 | 35,266 | 86,038 | pokey | Automatically create HTTP requests in the background. You can use
... |
3 | 35,840 | 86,038 | pokey-sendgrid | Easily simulate Sendgrid webhooks using Pokey. |
4 | 71,587 | 86,038 | git_left | Swipe left for `git branch` zero. |
5 | 74,500 | 86,038 | rspec-skip_activerecord_callbacks | Easily skip ActiveRecord callbacks in RSpec contexts |
6 | 92,889 | 86,038 | split_date_time | Allows DateTime fields to be split into a Date field and a Time field. |
7 | 99,235 | 53,556 | rufus-runner | Wrapper process around rufus-scheduler |
8 | 129,199 | 86,038 | meerstats_rails | Mountable engine for Rails to provide application data to meerstats. |
9 | 167,121 | 86,038 | floodlight_rails | Mountable engine for Rails to provide application data to Floodlight. |