Ccallebs's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,9239,878griddler-amazon_sesGriddler adapter for AWS SES (handle incoming email replies through SES)
235,26686,038pokeyAutomatically create HTTP requests in the background. You can use ...
335,84086,038pokey-sendgridEasily simulate Sendgrid webhooks using Pokey.
471,58786,038git_leftSwipe left for `git branch` zero.
574,50086,038rspec-skip_activerecord_callbacksEasily skip ActiveRecord callbacks in RSpec contexts
692,88986,038split_date_timeAllows DateTime fields to be split into a Date field and a Time field.
799,23553,556rufus-runnerWrapper process around rufus-scheduler
8129,19986,038meerstats_railsMountable engine for Rails to provide application data to meerstats.
9167,12186,038floodlight_railsMountable engine for Rails to provide application data to Floodlight.