Ninoseki's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,34414,915mihariA query aggregator for OSINT based threat hunting
216,86822,754miteruA phishing kit collector for scavengers
320,2249,268securitytrailsSecurityTrails API wrapper for Ruby
436,36521,477urlscanRuby API client for
536,40827,598hachiA dead simple TheHive API wrapper.
648,20740,310onypheONYPHE API wrapper for Ruby
750,97827,598rogue_oneA rogue DNS detector
852,50724,456pulsediveRuby library for Pulsedive API
954,74440,310fushinA malicious blog posts checker
1055,73340,310virustotalxYet another VirusTotal API wrapper for Ruby
1158,08940,310censuRuby API client for the Censys Internet search engine.
1259,73127,598mispA dead simple MISP API wrapper for Ruby
1361,11027, API wrapper for Ruby
1463,03640,310tansakuYet another dirbuster tool
1563,54040,310kokkiConvert a country name / code & IP address to an emoji flag
1663,85727,598apulloA scanner for basic network fingerprints
1767,99440,310shodanxYet another Shodan API wrapper for Ruby
1875,30840,310zoomeye-rbZoomEye API wrapper for Ruby
1976,27040,310passivetotalxPassiveTotal API wrapper for Ruby
2080,29440,310censysxCensys Search v2 API wrapper for Ruby
2181,52240,310simple_whatwebSimplified ver. of WhatWeb.
2281,85440,310rangescanA CLI tool to scan websites on a specific IP range
2384,06140,310binaryedgeBinaryEdge API wrapper for Ruby
2484,29240,310osakanaA Swiss army knife for the phishing research.
2584,37640,310dnpediaDNPedia doamin search API wrapper for Ruby
2684,52840,310passive_circlCIRCL Passive DNS/SSL API wrapper for Ruby
2785,48240,310dnstwisterdnstwister API wrapper for Ruby
2887,70640,310spysexSpyse API wrapper for Ruby
2987,83140,310doh_clientDNS over HTTPS(DoH) client for Ruby
3091,69340,310ukemiA CLI tool for querying passive DNS services
3191,97040,310ryoRyo is a yet another website recon tool.
3293,76140,310greynoiseGreyNoise API wrapper for Ruby
33109,40840,310urlhaus_monitorA monitoring tool for URLhaus feeds.
35116,11540,310doorknockPhishing kit admin panel tracker.
36130,28740,310ahiruYet another Ruby gem for DuckDuckGo search
37137,45327,598dnsdbDNSDB API wrapper for Ruby
38140,62640,310robtexRuby client for the Robtex API
39156,53440,310rb-mynumberCheck given string/number is a MyNumber or not
40158,17740,310dainoA dead simple Cortex API wrapper for Ruby.
41159,65940,310urlhausURLhaus query API wrapper for Ruby
42160,77240,310kojiA development/staging environment detector.
43163,07540,310rb-urlvoidYet another ruby gem for URLVoid API
44167,67340,310hybridanalysisxYet another Hybrid Analysis API wrapper for Ruby
45180,93740,310rspec-httpbinAn httpbin like Rack module for Rspec