1 | 18,778 | 42,025 | ebook_renamer | Bulk rename of ebook files (pdf, epub, mobi) based on embedded metadata |
2 | 19,370 | 28,793 | vim_printer | Batch convert multiple files to htmls using the power of Vim editor |
3 | 19,755 | 42,025 | filename_cleaner | Bulk rename and remove unwanted characters from list of files in any directory recursiv... |
4 | 20,203 | 53,556 | code_lister | List/filter files similar to 'find then grep' command in Linux/Unix based system |
5 | 20,298 | 86,038 | agile_utils | My collection of library that I have used that can be shared across multiple projects |
6 | 21,168 | 16,068 | index_html | Generate the index.html from list of files |
7 | 22,689 | 15,804 | html2pdf | Export list of html or xhtml files to pdfs with 'wkhtmltopdf' |
8 | 24,551 | 42,025 | pdfs2pdf | Combine multiple pdf files into a single file with combined table of content for quick ... |
9 | 25,687 | 42,025 | gem_bootstrap | Bootstrap the creation of ruby gem so that you don't have to start from scratch.
... |
10 | 25,743 | 53,556 | ebooks_renamer | Bulk rename multiple ebook files (pdf, epub, mobi) using embedded metadata if available... |
11 | 37,727 | 53,556 | folders_renamer | Bulk cleanup/rename folders name that contain special characters with valid string (das... |
12 | 48,827 | 86,038 | source2epub | Export any project from git repository or local directory to a single epub file.
... |
13 | 50,786 | 86,038 | github_exporter | Export any project from Github (or a local directory) to a single pdf file.
... |
14 | 52,317 | 53,556 | extension_lister | List unique file extensions from any starting directory recursively |
15 | 55,479 | 53,556 | mp4_renamer | Rename the mp4 and m4a files by adding the running time to the end of the filename
... |
16 | 56,242 | 86,038 | github-cloner | Clone/list multiple Github repositories for a given user/organization including private... |
17 | 58,301 | 86,038 | source2pdf | Export any project from a given git repository (or a local directory) to a single pdf f... |
18 | 61,536 | 86,038 | dir-archiver | Archive all directories having the given depth from a given directory.
TL;DR: dir-arch... |
19 | 90,804 | 42,025 | eeepub_ext | EeePub is a Ruby ePub generator.
This code is baded on the original... |
20 | 99,430 | 53,556 | github_copier | Clone/list multiple Github repositories for a given user/organization including private... |