1 | 12,472 | 41,086 | express_admin | ExpressAdmin is the admin menu framework used by appexpress.io, ExpressBlog, etc. |
2 | 13,990 | 61,367 | express_templates | Write templates in Ruby for building reusable view components |
3 | 52,625 | 61,367 | covetous | A Ruby wrapper for the Diablo 3 Web API |
4 | 112,315 | 61,367 | poole | This is a gem for creating JS games using Jekyll, Coffeescript, HAML, and SASS |
5 | 134,656 | 41,086 | naamah | A Ruby wrapper for the Project Noah (http://beta.noah.dost.gov.ph/apidocs/index.html) API |
6 | 139,568 | 61,367 | foundation_apps_styles | Foundation for Apps without the JS |
7 | 151,147 | 61,367 | express_settings | Add settings to an app express module |