Hieunguyen's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,09625,716event_tracerThin wrapper for formatted logging/ metric services to be used as a single service. Ext...
229,80823,402multi_passwordProvide a generic interface that allows application to easily switch password algorithm
336,27261,367sequel-data-migrateMigrate data with Sequel, based on Sequel migration extension
447,37025,716open_api_2_json_schemaDue to the OpenAPI v3.0 and JSON Schema discrepancy, you can use this JS library to con...
548,79041,086heavy_keeperGem which implements HeavyKeeper algorithm
651,04161,367vn_taggerThis is a wrapper for vn_tagger library, a POS tagger for Vietnamese text.
769,31361,367bun_boSimple test generator for ruby code
871,58261,367rmdRMD: a music downloader written in pure ruby.
9105,09261,367commit_checkerA simple gem which help setup hook to check commit
10139,72861,367dummy_geocoderA simple library for mocking geocoder
12162,12841,086memory-profiler-rbA gem based on ruby native profiler, which helps check memory consumption of one piece ...
13171,37761,367tiny-gateThis is an authentication client for all TINYpulse apps which use single sign on.