Mfenner's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,1449,585bologneseRuby gem and command-line utility for conversion of DOI metadata from and to different ...
29,5468,815omniauth-orcidEnables third-party client apps to connect to the ORCID API and access/update protected...
310,2929,898maremmaRuby utility library for network requests. Based on Faraday and Excon, provides a wrapp...
413,22751,488cirnecoRuby client library for the DataCite Metadata Store (MDS) API.
516,42032,595bergamascoText utilities for common cleanup and reformatting tasks when working with scholarly me...
621,11020,172malteseRuby library to generate sitemap for DataCite Commons.
723,51622,190orcid_clientRuby client library for the ORCID API.
825,81251,488toccatoreRuby library to find ORCID IDs in the DataCite Solr index.
927,20523,861jekyll-pandocA Jekyll markdown converter that uses Pandoc (via the pandoc-ruby gem).
1029,41432,595lita-docker-hubA Docker Hub plugin for Lita.
1134,74526,667vagrant-capistrano-pushUse capistrano with the vagrant push command.
1235,77623,861commonmeta-rubyRuby gem and command-line utility for conversion of scholarly metadata from and to diff...
1336,26551,488base32-url32-symbol notation for expressing numbers in a form that can be conveniently and accura...
1439,70126,667briardRuby gem and command-line utility for conversion of DOI metadata from and to different ...
1550,625129,735rakaliA Pandoc command-line wrapper written in Ruby.
1656,61622,190anvl-converterRuby library to parse and generate A Name-Value Language (ANVL).
1779,39032,595base32-crockford-checksum32-symbol notation for expressing numbers in a form that can be conveniently and accura...
1889,94151,488knitr-rubyA Ruby wrapper for the knitr R package which processes markdown with embedded code.
1994,91451,488jekyll-csvyA Jekyll CSVY converter that uses Pandoc grid tables.
20101,923129,735omniauth-globusEnables third-party client apps to authenticate with the Globus service via OpenID Connect
21151,50151,488pandoc-jats-rubyRuby gem that install pandoc-jats custom Pandoc writer
22181,53851,488crunchyRuby gem and client library for the Typesense search engine.