1 | 25,174 | 20,837 | date_helper | Adds some useful methods to the Date class. |
2 | 37,570 | 51,220 | omniauth-blockstack | An OmniAuth strategy to accept Blockstack Auth decentralized sign-on. |
3 | 37,966 | 51,220 | blockstack | The Blockstack ruby library for identity and authentication |
4 | 38,701 | 51,220 | openname | Ruby library for the Openname distributed identity & naming system |
5 | 110,882 | 51,220 | onename | Ruby library for the OneName distributed identity system |
6 | 147,842 | 51,220 | jwt-blockstack | A pure ruby implementation of the RFC 7519 OAuth JSON Web Token (JWT) standard. |
7 | 171,628 | 51,220 | jwtb | A pure ruby implementation of the RFC 7519 OAuth JSON Web Token (JWT) standard with add... |