1 | 2,604 | 3,942 | her | Her is an ORM that maps REST resources and collections to Ruby objects |
2 | 41,564 | 69,547 | rooftop-rails | This gem provides utility methods and a mountable engine for Rails applications using t... |
3 | 49,328 | 69,547 | rooftop | An ActiveRecord-like interface to the Rooftop CMS JSON API |
4 | 58,873 | 23,130 | voipfone_client | Voipfone are a brilliant SIP provider with loads of features, but no API. This Gem hook... |
5 | 73,335 | 69,547 | rooftop-rails-extras | A selection of handy mixins for building Rails sites quickly with Rooftop |
6 | 77,166 | 47,825 | spektrix | A client library for the Spektrix ticketing system. Requires a Spektrix user account. |
7 | 82,882 | 69,547 | georeferencer | A Ruby client for Georeferencer |
8 | 96,372 | 69,547 | slickplan-rooftop | Use Slickplan to create a sitemap, then generate the pages in your Rooftop CMS account. |
9 | 99,254 | 32,380 | wicked-wizard-validations | This gem allows you to conditionally validate your models, based on where in a multi-st... |
10 | 107,684 | 37,925 | simple_errors | We're forever writing the same rescue code for our Rails apps. This gem will hopefully ... |
11 | 109,983 | 69,547 | rooftop-spektrix_sync | A set of tasks to sync events between Spektrix and Rooftop CMS |
12 | 110,935 | 32,380 | error_agency-docker | A Rails generator for docker configurations |
13 | 115,163 | 69,547 | companies_house_client | A REST client for the UK Companies House API, including authentication |
14 | 120,552 | 69,547 | closeio-rails | A wrapper around the closeio gem to provide some useful functionality in Rails |
15 | 129,255 | 69,547 | slickplan | A Ruby library for slickplan.com |
16 | 138,187 | 69,547 | rooftop-algolia_search | Search your Rooftop models using Algolia from your Ruby applications |
17 | 162,521 | 69,547 | rooftop-rails-events | This library integrates with Rooftop CMS's events plugin to make it easy to add events ... |
18 | 168,154 | 69,547 | errorstudio_capistrano_recipes | Cap recipes we use to deploy our websites. |