Jornvandebeek's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,66922,365opencpuThis gem wraps the OpenCPU REST API.
213,01226,412roqua-supportLogging backend, freedom patches,
313,97024,029roqua-core-apiProvides authenticated access to Core
416,33424,029roqua-rom-apiProvides authenticated access to ROM utilities
518,36965,500roqua-healthyReceives queries from RoQua, sends them to Mirth, and translates Mirth's responses back...
621,85611,552qubyQuby is a Rails engine that can render and update answers for questionnaires defined in...
728,60018,968quby-compilerQuby::Compiler compiles a DSL for questionnaires to JSON
829,11239,523authmacSingle Sign-On implementation based on HMAC.
936,61253,348rack-haproxy_statusThis app will return 503 if a config file contains "off", which will tell HAproxy to dr...
1045,01345,802greater_lessThe GreaterLess Gem allows for making comparisons between floats and half-open interval...
1161,61939,523quby-mongoidMongoid database adapter for the Quby questionnaire engine
1284,15553,348duo_securityPerform 2-factor authentication using