Neckhair's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,05129,512cloudflairCloudflair aims to provide easy access to CloudFlare's public API.
216,82151,220rest-in-peaceLet your api REST in peace.
323,53751,220conyAutomatically sends notifications via AMQP when a model has been changed.
443,13029,512audited-timelineaudited-timeline provides timeline frontend to audited
555,14551,220amqp_helpersSimple helpers to achieve various AMQP tasks.
658,51451,220opentsdb-consumerClient library to consume metrics from OpenTSDB
781,84351,220classy_cancanDefine an ability class for each of your models to separate authorizations.
899,32720,837telltaleReport Rails application metrics to OpenTSDB
9149,24351,220ordySimple sorting gem for RubyObject's and ORM's
10153,53051,220sidekiq-opentsdbSidekiq middleware to log useful sidekiq stats to OpenTSDB.