1 | 20,561 | 20,576 | matrix_sdk | SDK for applications using the Matrix protocol |
2 | 61,199 | 54,789 | fog-hyperv | This library wraps Hyper-V in the `fog` concepts. |
3 | 80,180 | 20,576 | smart_proxy_dhcp_dnsmasq | dnamasq DHCP provider plugin for Foreman's smart proxy |
4 | 93,953 | 54,789 | passwordstate | A ruby API client for interacting with a passwordstate server |
5 | 94,131 | 54,789 | foreman_hyperv | Hyper-V as a Compute Resource for Foreman |
6 | 100,457 | 32,525 | bitwizard | Ruby library for controlling the BitWizard boards over SPI and I2C |
7 | 106,813 | 54,789 | foreman_template_tasks | Foreman plug-in to automatically sync templates |
8 | 107,287 | 54,789 | foreman_specifictemplate | This plug-in adds support for choosing arbitrary PXE template in The Foreman |
9 | 107,596 | 23,794 | smart_proxy_dns_dnsmasq | dnamasq DNS provider plugin for Foreman's smart proxy |
10 | 113,036 | 54,789 | foreman_ipxe | Allows provisioning iPXE with chainloaded iPXE binaries |
11 | 159,937 | 54,789 | k8s_internal_lb | A ruby application for setting up your k8s cluster as a load balancer. |
12 | 163,838 | 54,789 | transmission_chaos | Bring chaos to your Transmission daemon |
13 | 168,822 | 54,789 | foreman_wds | Adds support for orchestrating WDS deployments with Foreman. |
14 | 169,939 | 54,789 | factorio_mods | Write a longer description or delete this line. |
15 | 170,506 | 54,789 | OGTraf | Allows querying Östgötatrafiken's APIs |