Segiddins's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111bundlerBundler manages an application's dependencies through its entire life, across many mach...
247295rubygems-updateA package (also known as a library) contains a set of functionality that can be invok...
3211200claideA small command-line interface framework.
4238254xcodeprojXcodeproj lets you create and modify Xcode projects from Ruby. Script boring management...
5327281nanaimoA library for (de)serialization of ASCII Plists.
6363355atomosA simple gem to atomically write files
7365470cocoapodsCocoaPods manages library dependencies for your Xcode project. You specify the depende...
8377493cocoapods-coreThe CocoaPods-Core gem provides support to work with the models of CocoaPods. It is i...
9461624molinilloProvides support for dependency resolution
10470329corkA delightful CLI UI module.
11481633cocoapods-downloaderA small library for downloading files from remotes in a folder.
12582807cocoapods-trunkInteract with
13648780cocoapods-deintegrateA CocoaPods plugin to remove and de-integrate CocoaPods from your project.
14659781cocoapods-tryCocoaPods plugin which allows to quickly try the demo project of a Pod.
15664779fourflusherA library for interacting with Xcode simulators.
16670782cocoapods-searchSearch for pods.
17678810cocoapods-pluginsThis CocoaPods plugin shows information about all available CocoaPods plugins ...
181,032969gemsRuby wrapper for the API
191,4755,412cocoapods-statsUploads statistics for Pod Analytics.
201,6281,510xcode-installDownload, install and upgrade Xcodes with ease.
213,3594,614jazzySoulful docs for Swift & Objective-C. Run in your SPM or Xcode project's root directory...
223,5605,036liferaftLiferaft parses Apple build numbers, like 6D1002
233,5685,066xcinvokeManage Xcode versions with ease!
243,7673,839cocoapods-keysA key value store for environment settings in Cocoa Apps.
253,9472,506compact_indexBackend for compact index
264,1714,864cocoapods-generatepod gen allows you to keep your Podfile and podspecs as the single source of truth for ...
274,2994,879cocoapods-disable-podfile-validationsA CocoaPods plugin that allows disabling Podfile validations.
284,9423,942cocoapods-acknowledgementsCocoaPods plugin that generates an acknowledgements plist to make it easy to create too...
295,2356,139rails-footnotesEvery Rails page has footnotes that gives information about your application and links ...
306,7922,678rubygems-generate_indexGenerates the index files for a gem server directory
317,1406,399cocoapods-dependenciesShows a project's CocoaPods dependency graph.
327,77317,304starlark_compilerA starlark gem
338,22845,453automatiekVendor your gem's dependencies in retro style.
3411,37510,404cocoapods-packagerCocoaPods plugin which allows you to generate a framework or static library from a pods...
3515,27117,304cocoapods-amicableA CocoaPods plugin that moves the Podfile checksum to a file in the Sandbox, reducing m...
3619,41119,578gemstashGemstash acts as a local RubyGems server, caching copies of gems from auto...
3721,05174,886git-fastcloneA git command that uses reference repositories and threading to quicklyand recursively ...
3822,05497,623cocoapods-packing-cubesA CocoaPods plugin that allows customizing how individual pods are packaged and linked.
4026,57297,623clintegraconCLIntegracon allows you to build Integration specs for your CLI,independent if they are...
4133,69211,900cocoapods_debugA simple plugin to ease debugging CocoaPods.
4234,52811,245rubygems-awaitA RubyGems plugin with a command to wait until gems are available.
4337,88945,453postitThe Bundler version manager
4441,68116,949xcknifeSimple tool for optimizing XCTest runs across machines. Works by leveraging xctool'...
4542,87922,402refinementGenerates a list of Xcode targets to build & test as a result of a git diff.
4658,93697,623beta-podA tiny gem to make running beta CocoaPods versions a breeze.
4759,50297,623inch_by_inchA rake task to pretty-print documentation violations.
4871,59197,623cocoapods-podfile_infoCocoaPods plugin to show information on installed pods in the current project
4973,28892,615chronometerA library that makes generating Chrome trace files for Ruby programs easy.
5077,71792,615arugulaA naïve regular expression implementation
5182,49212,829gem_server_conformanceA conformance test suite for RubyGems servers.
5285,10297,623claide-completionCLI completion plugin for CLAide.
5389,24497,623cocoapods-docsSimple gem which offers convenient access to the documentation of a Pod via
5496,20326,014xcactivitylogParse Xcode's xcactivitylog files (and other SLF0-serialized files)
55112,41497,623compact_index_clientThe client for the new Bundler compact index format.
56121,85397,623cocoapods-appledocCocoaPods plugin to build documentation for a pod.
57127,48053,034cocoapods-repo-shardShard a CocoaPods specs repository.
58130,11197,623gemxAutomagically execute commands that come in gem form
59145,00922,402oidc-test-trusted_publisherTest gem
60148,57616,184protobugAn embeddable protobuf compiler & runtime for Ruby
61148,65816,184protobug_well_known_protosCompiled protos for protobug from (well_kno...
62148,80816,736protobug_sigstore_protosCompiled protos for protobug from (sigstore_...
63148,93716,184protobug_googleapis_field_behavior_protosCompiled protos for protobug from (googleapis_...
64167,69897,623formicaA gem for writing mergable, lazily-evaluated configuration objects.
65169,38097,623configure_trusted_publisherA small CLI to automate the process of configuring a trusted publisher for a gem.
66170,53974,886obstinatelyA small command-line utility to retry shell invocations with exponential backoff.
67172,04617,565sigstoreA pure-ruby implementation of sigstore signature verification
68177,40197,623bundler-composeThis is a bundler subcommand called `bundle compose` that makes it easy to layer additi...
69181,44635,307sigstore-cliA CLI interface to the sigstore ruby client
70182,40774,886protobug-compilerAn protobuf compiler for protobug
71182,48974,886protobug_compiler_protosCompiled protos for protobug from (compiler...
72182,56974,886protobug_conformance_protosCompiled protos for protobug from (conforma...