1 | 1 | 1 | bundler | Bundler manages an application's dependencies through its entire life, across many mach... |
2 | 50 | 216 | rubygems-update | A package (also known as a library) contains a set of functionality
that can be invok... |
3 | 210 | 215 | claide | A small command-line interface framework. |
4 | 239 | 262 | xcodeproj | Xcodeproj lets you create and modify Xcode projects from Ruby. Script boring management... |
5 | 321 | 294 | nanaimo | A library for (de)serialization of ASCII Plists. |
6 | 362 | 377 | atomos | A simple gem to atomically write files |
7 | 365 | 456 | cocoapods | CocoaPods manages library dependencies for your Xcode project.
You specify the depende... |
8 | 381 | 472 | cocoapods-core | The CocoaPods-Core gem provides support to work with the models of CocoaPods.
It is i... |
9 | 460 | 608 | molinillo | Provides support for dependency resolution |
10 | 463 | 360 | cork | A delightful CLI UI module. |
11 | 478 | 619 | cocoapods-downloader | A small library for downloading files from remotes in a folder. |
12 | 578 | 693 | cocoapods-trunk | Interact with trunk.cocoapods.org |
13 | 653 | 691 | cocoapods-deintegrate | A CocoaPods plugin to remove and de-integrate CocoaPods from your project. |
14 | 664 | 692 | cocoapods-try | CocoaPods plugin which allows to quickly try the demo project of a Pod. |
15 | 668 | 689 | fourflusher | A library for interacting with Xcode simulators. |
16 | 672 | 694 | cocoapods-search | Search for pods. |
17 | 679 | 699 | cocoapods-plugins | This CocoaPods plugin shows information about all available CocoaPods plugins
... |
18 | 1,027 | 995 | gems | Ruby wrapper for the RubyGems.org API |
19 | 1,496 | 6,723 | cocoapods-stats | Uploads statistics for Pod Analytics. |
20 | 1,638 | 1,640 | xcode-install | Download, install and upgrade Xcodes with ease. |
21 | 3,378 | 4,209 | jazzy | Soulful docs for Swift & Objective-C. Run in your SPM or Xcode project's root directory... |
22 | 3,574 | 4,463 | liferaft | Liferaft parses Apple build numbers, like 6D1002 |
23 | 3,579 | 4,478 | xcinvoke | Manage Xcode versions with ease! |
24 | 3,771 | 3,453 | cocoapods-keys | A key value store for environment settings in Cocoa Apps. |
25 | 3,946 | 3,112 | compact_index | Backend for compact index |
26 | 4,189 | 4,344 | cocoapods-generate | pod gen allows you to keep your Podfile and podspecs as the single source of
truth for ... |
27 | 4,307 | 4,376 | cocoapods-disable-podfile-validations | A CocoaPods plugin that allows disabling Podfile validations. |
28 | 4,938 | 3,720 | cocoapods-acknowledgements | CocoaPods plugin that generates an acknowledgements plist to make it easy to create too... |
29 | 5,264 | 6,818 | rails-footnotes | Every Rails page has footnotes that gives information about your application and links ... |
30 | 6,660 | 3,284 | rubygems-generate_index | Generates the index files for a gem server directory |
31 | 7,165 | 6,573 | cocoapods-dependencies | Shows a project's CocoaPods dependency graph. |
32 | 7,809 | 13,478 | starlark_compiler | A starlark gem |
33 | 8,295 | 24,526 | automatiek | Vendor your gem's dependencies in retro style. |
34 | 11,418 | 14,595 | cocoapods-packager | CocoaPods plugin which allows you to generate a framework or static library from a pods... |
35 | 15,094 | 4,994 | cocoapods-amicable | A CocoaPods plugin that moves the Podfile checksum to a file in the Sandbox, reducing m... |
36 | 19,382 | 20,808 | gemstash | Gemstash acts as a local RubyGems server, caching copies of gems from RubyGems.org auto... |
37 | 21,091 | 72,875 | git-fastclone | A git command that uses reference repositories and threading to quicklyand recursively ... |
38 | 22,136 | 25,921 | cocoapods-packing-cubes | A CocoaPods plugin that allows customizing how individual pods are packaged and linked. |
39 | 23,708 | 72,875 | segiddins-test-gem | test |
40 | 26,640 | 16,141 | clintegracon | CLIntegracon allows you to build Integration specs for your CLI,independent if they are... |
41 | 32,970 | 10,820 | cocoapods_debug | A simple plugin to ease debugging CocoaPods. |
42 | 33,969 | 12,672 | rubygems-await | A RubyGems plugin with a command to wait until gems are available. |
43 | 38,024 | 72,875 | postit | The Bundler version manager |
44 | 41,756 | 72,875 | xcknife | Simple tool for optimizing XCTest runs across machines.
Works by leveraging xctool'... |
45 | 42,899 | 72,875 | refinement | Generates a list of Xcode targets to build & test as a result of a git diff. |
46 | 58,978 | 25,921 | beta-pod | A tiny gem to make running beta CocoaPods versions a breeze. |
47 | 59,624 | 37,098 | inch_by_inch | A rake task to pretty-print documentation violations. |
48 | 71,670 | 33,005 | cocoapods-podfile_info | CocoaPods plugin to show information on installed pods in the current project |
49 | 73,184 | 24,526 | chronometer | A library that makes generating Chrome trace files for Ruby programs easy. |
50 | 77,754 | 30,087 | arugula | A naïve regular expression implementation |
51 | 80,661 | 24,526 | gem_server_conformance | A conformance test suite for RubyGems servers. |
52 | 85,170 | 33,005 | claide-completion | CLI completion plugin for CLAide. |
53 | 89,357 | 33,005 | cocoapods-docs | Simple gem which offers convenient access to the documentation of a Pod via cocoadocs.org. |
54 | 96,036 | 43,052 | xcactivitylog | Parse Xcode's xcactivitylog files (and other SLF0-serialized files) |
55 | 112,495 | 37,098 | compact_index_client | The client for the new Bundler compact index format. |
56 | 121,962 | 43,052 | cocoapods-appledoc | CocoaPods plugin to build documentation for a pod. |
57 | 124,955 | 11,361 | protobug | An embeddable protobuf compiler & runtime for Ruby |
58 | 124,995 | 11,361 | protobug_well_known_protos | Compiled protos for protobug from https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf (well_kno... |
59 | 125,061 | 11,361 | protobug_sigstore_protos | Compiled protos for protobug from https://github.com/sigstore/protobuf-specs (sigstore_... |
60 | 125,140 | 11,309 | protobug_googleapis_field_behavior_protos | Compiled protos for protobug from https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis (googleapis_... |
61 | 127,088 | 43,052 | cocoapods-repo-shard | Shard a CocoaPods specs repository. |
62 | 130,085 | 72,875 | gemx | Automagically execute commands that come in gem form |
63 | 143,058 | 72,875 | oidc-test-trusted_publisher | Test gem |
64 | 161,335 | 14,595 | sigstore | A pure-ruby implementation of sigstore signature verification |
65 | 167,851 | 72,875 | formica | A gem for writing mergable, lazily-evaluated configuration objects. |
66 | 168,004 | 20,808 | configure_trusted_publisher | A small CLI to automate the process of configuring a trusted publisher for a gem. |
67 | 170,723 | 72,875 | obstinately | A small command-line utility to retry shell invocations with exponential backoff. |
68 | 177,509 | 37,098 | bundler-compose | This is a bundler subcommand called `bundle compose` that makes it easy to layer additi... |
69 | 179,939 | 16,141 | sigstore-cli | A CLI interface to the sigstore ruby client |
70 | 182,600 | 72,875 | protobug-compiler | An protobuf compiler for protobug |
71 | 182,682 | 72,875 | protobug_compiler_protos | Compiled protos for protobug from https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf (compiler... |
72 | 182,768 | 72,875 | protobug_conformance_protos | Compiled protos for protobug from https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf (conforma... |