Stelligent's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,8462,014cfn-nagAuditing tool for CloudFormation templates
21,8712,011cfn-modelAn object model for CloudFormation templates
32,4919,056keystoreWhile building applications and continuous delivery pipelines, secret management is usu...
49,21710,261crossingThe native AWS command line does not have an easy way to upload encrypted files to S3...
59,7109,821opendeliveryA collection of tools that are used in the Open Delivery platform.
611,33914,205hamburgerstoreHambuger Store is an easy, lightweight way to store data about your pipeline instances....
718,88961,367aws-sdk-utilsLow level utilities for dealing with AWS SDK
835,11541,086aws-int-test-rspec-helperRSpec helper to make integration testing in AWS a small bit more convenient
941,77561,367jenkins-factoryExperimental single-click for cranking out a basic Jenkins instance in EC2
1090,61861,367trusted-advisor-statusSome scripting around the AWS Trusted Advisor interface for convenience in calling from...
11130,99961,367cloudpatrolCommand-line tool that helps you keep Amazon cloud clean
12137,50361,367eopsA collection of tools that are used in the Elastic Operations Continuous Delivery Pipel...
13158,70561,367cfn-nag-rules-coreThe core rules for cfn_nag