Isimluk's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,6749,056openscapA FFI wrapper around the OpenSCAP library. Currently it provides only subset of libop...
211,02433,893foreman_openscapForeman plug-in for managing security compliance reports
322,49341,086smart_proxy_openscapA plug-in to the Foreman's smart-proxy which receives bzip2ed ARF files and forwards ...
425,35941,086foreman_scap_clientClient script that runs openscap scan and uploads the result to foreman proxy
568,01261,367scaptimonySCAPtimony is SCAP storage and database server build on top of OpenSCAP library. SC...
6109,06261,367foreman-proxy_openscapA plug-in to the Foreman's smart-proxy which receives bzip2ed ARF files and forwards ...