Petekinnecom's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,74063,432test_launcherno really
223,13163,432sfb_scriptsEasily update your rails app and run tests from command line
383,54363,432octocheckSee github checks in your terminal
484,07763,432app_upGit wrapper for running scripts
588,06263,432termcitySee TeamCity/CircleCI build status for a branch in your terminal. Pipe it to grep or wh...
690,53616,639docker_compose_deployEasily deploy a Docker Compose project
793,50263,432snapshot_archiveSave and restore snapshots of stateful services to a central archive. The default actio...
897,64663,432test_runno really
9127,39363,432bundler-symlinkPost-install hook for bundler to symlink to all gems from a local directory
10161,17063,432check_upEnsure your external services are ready.
11164,89563,432third_partyClient for the mock server thing
12168,92141,916rkt_launchTools for creating rkt pods.
14117,49228,651bundle_symlinkSymlink all gems after install
15176,84541,916dev_archiveSave and restore snapshots of stateful services to a central archive. The default actio...
16178,91263,432justificationConstruct a tree of objects that can be serialized for auditing
17179,27363,432affadavitConstruct a tree of objects that can be serialized for auditing
18181,88063,432affidavitConstruct a tree of objects that can be serialized for auditing
19182,34863,432async_pipelineDefine a pipeline of async tasks and their starting conditions
20182,53063,432concurrent_pipelineDefine a pipeline of tasks, run them concurrently, and see a versioned history of all c...
21183,10163,432interfacetsUse ruby in the browser to build your frontend