1 | 16,184 | 53,556 | vienna_rna | A Ruby 2.0 API for interacting with command line tools involving RNA molecules through ... |
2 | 27,407 | 86,038 | wrnap | A comprehensive wrapper w(RNA)pper for various RNA CLI programs. |
3 | 28,477 | 53,556 | diverge | A simple collection of functions for determining the divergence between two distributions. |
4 | 31,631 | 86,038 | rbfam | Light wrapper for RFam data in Ruby. |
5 | 72,378 | 86,038 | shuffle | Simple method to shuffle list while preserving n-mer frequency. |
6 | 87,139 | 86,038 | gene | Sample genetic program in Ruby |
7 | 87,312 | 86,038 | meta_missing | A small library to allow metaprogramming via method_missing without dealing with regula... |
8 | 117,140 | 86,038 | comprende | List comprehension support for Ruby |
9 | 154,579 | 53,556 | rbfam_bridge | A bridge for the Rbfam gem that allows the sequences from Rbfam to be converted to Wrna... |