Mattrayner's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,2575,154puginPugin is a component-based pattern design library that holds all of the reusable partia...
214,09830,305parliament-grom-decoratorsParliamentary Grom decorator
315,87263,432parliament-rubyInternal parliamentary data API wrapper for ruby
418,01563,432parliament-routesSummary of routes.
520,98163,432parliament-utilsParliament Utils gem.
625,1029,922ralyxaA Ruby framework for interacting with Amazon Alexa. Designed to work with Sinatra, alth...
726,61463,432gromGrom is a Graph Object Mapper
832,51941,916parliament-opensearchParliamentary OpenSearch response builder
936,26363,432parliament-ntripleParliamentary NTriple response builder
1038,40163,432social_sharerAdds a set of view methods that allow the users to create sharing buttons for multiple ...
1171,29625,458geosparql_to_geojsonConverts GeoSparql to GeoJSON
12108,12663,432stashboardmanagerAdds easy management to stashboard events within a ruby environment. This gem adds the ...
13141,44263,432stashboard-rubyLittle library written to make interacting with the stashboard api a bit easier.
14143,89263,432grom_nativeA GROM implementation using a GO native extension for heavy lifting.
15160,79263,432alexa_request_verifierThis gem is designed to work with Sinatra applications that serve as back-ends for Amaz...