Benmorganio's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1706737paranoiaParanoia is a re-implementation of acts_as_paranoid for Rails 5, 6, and 7, using mu...
239,03886,038neoidExtend Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord with Neo4j nodes. Keep RDBMS and utilize the power of...
353,33186,038blotTired of all those tables in those emails? Blot is a DSL that lets you create them ...
479,20386,038angular-spreeSpree has a lot of moving parts and so does Angular. Take the easy route...
5100,16986,038spree_api_v2Adds an assortment of new api endpoints that are JSON API compatible.
6100,22753,556solidus_api_v2Adds an assortment of new api endpoints that are JSON API compatible.
7106,74686,038veddyVeddy is a Rails gem that allows developers to send data to Google Analytics about thei...
8121,90286,038solidus_json_apiAdds an assortment of new api endpoints that are JSON API compatible.
9157,58753,556spurSpur allows developers to setup a highly configurable ecommerce backend. The aim of...