Anazar's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,98430,732wedgeComponents for the Browser and Server
210,48530,732conjoinStill in development
337,98330,732vindataLibrary which queries vehicle databases such as Edmunds for publicly available vehicle ...
459,93413,822signature-acdSimple key/secret based authentication for apis
586,86830,732mailfactory-acdMailFactory is s simple module for producing RFC compliant mail that can include multip...
686,97357,505malone-acdDead-simple Ruby mailing solution which always delivers.
792,49030,732griddler-mandrill-acdAdapter to allow the use of Mandrill's Inboud Email Processing with Griddler
8109,57457,505griddler-acdSendGrid Parse API client Rails Engine
9145,47257,505sinatra-acdSinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort.