1 | 9,984 | 30,732 | wedge | Components for the Browser and Server |
2 | 10,485 | 30,732 | conjoin | Still in development |
3 | 37,983 | 30,732 | vindata | Library which queries vehicle databases such as Edmunds for publicly available vehicle ... |
4 | 59,934 | 13,822 | signature-acd | Simple key/secret based authentication for apis |
5 | 86,868 | 30,732 | mailfactory-acd | MailFactory is s simple module for producing RFC compliant mail that can include multip... |
6 | 86,973 | 57,505 | malone-acd | Dead-simple Ruby mailing solution which always delivers. |
7 | 92,490 | 30,732 | griddler-mandrill-acd | Adapter to allow the use of Mandrill's Inboud Email Processing with Griddler |
8 | 109,574 | 57,505 | griddler-acd | SendGrid Parse API client Rails Engine |
9 | 145,472 | 57,505 | sinatra-acd | Sinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort. |