Zhulik's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,67530,305grumlinGremlin graph traversal language DSL and client for Ruby. Suitable and tested with grem...
249,54763,432pinballSimple and stupid IOC container and dependency injection tool for ruby
351,21915,400resource_managerBase for service objects that encapsulates model actions and callbacks
461,75163,432bubingScript for bundling linux binaries
588,91163,432async-toolsA set of useful tools for async programming with Async.
692,27763,432german_numbersGem for converting numbers to german words and vise-versa.
7103,74914,438rusticDSL for the restic backup tool.
8112,25463,432teleswaggerThis is a swagger defenition for [Telegram bot API](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api).
9133,24363,432zillaNo description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools...
10134,69763,432courseCourse provides an API for building your application operations/transactions using the ...
11135,53630,305ractor_poolA worker pool based on ractor.
13172,02263,432fatherYet Another Telegram Bot framework. Simple and powerful.
15177,87963,432cryptoformSave your encypted terraform state in git.
16178,39541,916oapiA ruby DSL for building OpenAPI documents.
17179,93363,432kubezillaWatches for image updates and automatically deploys new versions.