1 | 18,595 | 27,328 | grumlin | Gremlin graph traversal language DSL and client for Ruby. Suitable and tested with grem... |
2 | 49,788 | 39,646 | pinball | Simple and stupid IOC container and dependency injection tool for ruby |
3 | 51,499 | 117,678 | resource_manager | Base for service objects that encapsulates model actions and callbacks |
4 | 61,958 | 29,727 | bubing | Script for bundling linux binaries |
5 | 86,503 | 15,582 | async-tools | A set of useful tools for async programming with Async. |
6 | 92,305 | 117,678 | german_numbers | Gem for converting numbers to german words and vise-versa. |
7 | 103,217 | 97,080 | rustic | DSL for the restic backup tool. |
8 | 112,389 | 117,678 | teleswagger | This is a swagger defenition for [Telegram bot API](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api). |
9 | 129,731 | 58,846 | zilla | No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools... |
10 | 134,530 | 58,846 | course | Course provides an API for building your application operations/transactions using
the ... |
11 | 135,606 | 117,678 | ractor_pool | A worker pool based on ractor. |
12 | 155,713 | 68,530 | ko | KO |
13 | 172,520 | 117,678 | father | Yet Another Telegram Bot framework. Simple and powerful. |
14 | 173,473 | 58,846 | dotcrypt | dotcrypt. |
15 | 177,636 | 34,617 | cryptoform | Save your encypted terraform state in git. |
16 | 178,232 | 117,678 | oapi | A ruby DSL for building OpenAPI documents. |
17 | 180,476 | 117,678 | kubezilla | Watches for image updates and automatically deploys new versions. |