Nakilon's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,8995,390dhash-vipsdHash and IDHash perceptual image hashing/fingerprinting
216,5906,249reddit_botSimple library for Reddit bots
318,80341,916directlinkobtains from any kind of hyperlink a link to an image, its format and resolution
423,15063,432nethttputilsBack in 2015 I was a guy automating things at my job and two scripts had a common need ...
528,74163,432mllMathematica Language Library in Ruby
645,46463,432pcbrMaking ratings is fun. After applying my method several times I've decided to gemify it...
759,11763,432nakischemaThe most compact yet powerful arbitrary nested objects validator. Especially handy to v...
869,76363,432nakiircbotIRC bot framework
972,62515,400raselRandom Access Stack Esoteric Language
1077,90463,432simple_bmpAs simple as you really need. Uses only 8bpp with no indexing. Imports BITMAPCOREHEADER...
1192,60425,458rsvgrnot ready for public usage -- uploaded for personal usage
12104,49663,432pasteruniversal asynchronous pastebin CLI
13108,16763,432ccuThis is currently for Mac OS X only. Published without full tests yet, so do not expect...
14120,03363,432tablestructuredconvert two-dimensional Array into an Array of Structs consuming the first row and/or c...
15133,11263,432nakilondummy against hooligans
16143,62063,432befunge98[WIP] Probably the first Befunge-98 interpreter in Ruby
17153,52363,432simple_gifThis is uploaded only for personal usage yet.
18153,97263,432lineprofilervery simple Ruby line profiler
19161,35963,432p5rbRuby DSL for p5.js
20162,78141,916rpdfsNo need in Power Point, Adobe Acrobat or Open Office to edit your presentations anymore.
21163,10363,432pagerecognizervisual HTML page structure recognizer
22166,84563,432trovobotTrovo Live API client
23173,98563,432ferrum_common[WIP] common useful extensions for ferrum or cuprite
24174,52163,432sheleniumAccess and test terminal session like a table of chars.
25177,23263,432colorutilsCommon methods to work with colors.
26178,13663,432webmockdumpPatch for webmock that instead of halting is doing and dumping the request for easier m...
27178,98163,432browser_repositionrepositions your Ferrum/Capybara/etc. browser to the upper left corner of the external ...
28180,57063,432wsuiwebsockets-based HTML GUI for Ruby runtime objects
29181,08230,305dsr[WIP] Document Structure Recognizer -- currently a collection of common routines I use ...
30182,45430,305domweighertool to find the heavy DOM nodes