1 | 15,596 | 41,086 | grat | Basic interface for making webpages with Haml and Erb. Supports nested templates. |
2 | 31,665 | 61,367 | easy-rack-open-id | You supply OpenIDs, this keeps anyone but people with access to those ids from getting ... |
3 | 31,758 | 17,333 | openid_mongodb_store | Like the ActiveRecord Store, but for Mongo. |
4 | 32,664 | 16,657 | n4j | A little spiked out thing. |
5 | 51,975 | 61,367 | freebase-importers | Some easy importers for Freebase data. |
6 | 53,209 | 61,367 | rackif | Use or don't use Rack apps based on a variety of environment factors. |
7 | 53,209 | 61,367 | yapt | A command line app for navigating Pivotal Tracker. WIP |
8 | 53,512 | 61,367 | rack-static-if-present | Not much to explain. Not a lot of code, but wanted it packaged up for easy use/deployment. |
9 | 57,112 | 41,086 | annal | Loads up files. Parses YAML/JSON and other stuff maybe. |
10 | 63,211 | 25,716 | openid_couchdb_store | OpenID store using CouchDB. Right now using Couchrest, will make more flexible later, h... |
11 | 67,260 | 61,367 | dilute | A basic ORM-sort of thing for Stretcher. |
12 | 71,884 | 25,716 | mundane-search | Makes everyday search easy-ish. |
13 | 88,358 | 33,893 | matryoshka | Matryoshka is a system for parsing html templates. It merges files based on their posit... |
14 | 92,357 | 61,367 | attribute_column | Apply types to attributes for use in form_for, etc. |
15 | 98,532 | 61,367 | rack-if | Use or don't use Rack apps based on a variety of environment factors. |
16 | 108,813 | 61,367 | unified_partials | Offers a standard approach for consistent use of partials to display attributes. |
17 | 125,728 | 61,367 | raccept | This middleware turns Ruby objects that are not acceptable Rack bodies into xml or json... |
18 | 138,892 | 61,367 | extra_doilies | Extra columns for use with the gem table_cloth. |
19 | 139,728 | 61,367 | deep_blame | Recursive blame. |
20 | 140,291 | 61,367 | swathe | An abstraction for dealing with common archive tasks. |