Merqlove's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
117,2337,808do_snapshotSnapshot creator for Digital Ocean droplets. Multi-threading inside. Auto-cleanup featu...
242,93763,432yandex_captchaRuby wrapper for Yandex.Cleanweb
357,45063,432flickrageAnother one Flickr collage maker CLI.
477,00463,432mrcr-cacheStandard inmemory cache library. To be used between class instances.
593,57025,458rack-time-zone-middlewareAdding ability to detect timezone at UI side and get it within Rack/Rails via cookies w...
6107,98741,916digitalocean_cRuby bindings for the Digital Ocean API.
7111,39463,432mrcr-helpersUseful tools for redis, assets & so on.
8132,19241,916social_catalogTools to generate usable social catalog RSS.