1 | 19,449 | 10,198 | haveapi-client | Ruby API and CLI for HaveAPI |
2 | 21,133 | 16,885 | haveapi | Framework for creating self-describing APIs |
3 | 34,303 | 7,263 | vpsadmin-client | Ruby API and CLI for vpsAdmin API |
4 | 35,089 | 22,467 | vpsfree-client | Ruby API and CLI for vpsFree.cz API |
5 | 44,853 | 22,467 | haveapi-go-client | Go client generator |
6 | 66,099 | 59,086 | haveapi-fs | Mount any HaveAPI based API as a filesystem based on FUSE |
7 | 107,621 | 59,086 | havesnippet-client | Client for HaveSnippet, a self-hosted paste service |
8 | 173,817 | 20,663 | ruby-bepasty-client | Ruby client and CLI for bepasty |
9 | 181,287 | 59,086 | confctl | Nix deployment management tool |