Aither64's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
119,44910,198haveapi-clientRuby API and CLI for HaveAPI
221,13316,885haveapiFramework for creating self-describing APIs
334,3037,263vpsadmin-clientRuby API and CLI for vpsAdmin API
435,08922,467vpsfree-clientRuby API and CLI for API
544,85322,467haveapi-go-clientGo client generator
666,09959,086haveapi-fsMount any HaveAPI based API as a filesystem based on FUSE
7107,62159,086havesnippet-clientClient for HaveSnippet, a self-hosted paste service
8173,81720,663ruby-bepasty-clientRuby client and CLI for bepasty
9181,28759,086confctlNix deployment management tool