1 | 2,127 | 2,497 | acts_as_tree | A gem that adds simple support for organizing ActiveRecord models into parent–children ... |
2 | 2,342 | 2,646 | xlsxtream | This gem allows very efficient writing of CSV style data to XLSX with multiple worksheets. |
3 | 61,391 | 29,727 | sidekiq-dejavu | Dejavu uses Sidkiq's internal scheduling so it doesn't need its own clock and integrate... |
4 | 64,606 | 46,777 | postgres_ext-serializers | Harness the power of PostgreSQL when crafting JSON reponses |
5 | 116,154 | 68,530 | guard-minitest_cr | Guard::MinitestCr automatically runs your Minitest for Crystal (minitest.cr) tests or s... |