Ineiti's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
151,41763,432africomptaWith this module you can have a simple accounting-system. It is based on http://github....
257,69463,432helper_classesAdded accessors to Hash, to_sym to Array and a nice debugging-interface called DPuts
366,77516,639qooxviewThis is a very simple framework to create small frontends in a webserver
484,82563,432hilink_modemUsing the web-interface of huawei hilink modems to do things
587,74363,432hilinkUsing the web-interface of huawei hilink modems to do things
689,45463,432serial_modemThis can interface a lot of different usb-modems and serial modems
790,76241,916HelperClassesAdded accessors to Hash, to_sym to Array and a nice debugging-interface called DPuts
893,46141,916elliptic_curveThis gives the basic for representing elliptic curves of the form y^2 = x^3 + ax + b, i...
9136,10463,432gestionThis program allows you to handle the courses, internet and accounting of a small cul...
10152,87163,432HilinkModemUsing the web-interface of huawei hilink modems to do things
11153,60763,432SerialModemThis can interface a lot of different usb-modems