Jjasghar's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19452,743fog-openstackOpenStack fog provider gem.
29,87115,845knife-vsphereVMware vSphere support for Chef Infra's Knife command
310,70119,901chef-provisioning-vsphereProvisioner for creating vSphere VM instances in Chef Provisioning.
412,89312,257kitchen-vcenterTest Kitchen driver for VMware vCenter using SDK
526,35055,084lita-motivateMotivates a user with !m
627,57455,084lita-utcSometimes you just want to know the UTC timezone
730,53916,674knife-vcenterKnife plugin to VMware vCenter.
859,37955,084kitchen-vsphereA Test Kitchen Driver for VMWare vShere
978,96255,084lita-ambushAllow lita to ambush your users
1085,06955,084chef-handler-campfireAllows reporting of Chef Exceptions to Campfire Chat Rooms.
1185,73555,084lita-claydavisEveryone loves Clay Davis
12111,72055,084lita-nope-badgerEveryone loves the nope-badger
13116,48355,084lita-nope-octopusEveryone loves the nope-octopus
14147,19455,084chef-provisioning-maasProvisioner for creating MAAS in Chef Provisioning.
15147,64355,084lita-daysSometimes you want to know how many days it is from today
16149,40955,084lita-pokemonThis is a way to search for different pokemon quickly and easily.
17158,17755,084lita-command-not-foundHave your bot look for those commands you don't mean to send to the channel.