1 | 945 | 2,743 | fog-openstack | OpenStack fog provider gem. |
2 | 9,871 | 15,845 | knife-vsphere | VMware vSphere support for Chef Infra's Knife command |
3 | 10,701 | 19,901 | chef-provisioning-vsphere | Provisioner for creating vSphere VM instances in Chef Provisioning. |
4 | 12,893 | 12,257 | kitchen-vcenter | Test Kitchen driver for VMware vCenter using SDK |
5 | 26,350 | 55,084 | lita-motivate | Motivates a user with !m |
6 | 27,574 | 55,084 | lita-utc | Sometimes you just want to know the UTC timezone |
7 | 30,539 | 16,674 | knife-vcenter | Knife plugin to VMware vCenter. |
8 | 59,379 | 55,084 | kitchen-vsphere | A Test Kitchen Driver for VMWare vShere |
9 | 78,962 | 55,084 | lita-ambush | Allow lita to ambush your users |
10 | 85,069 | 55,084 | chef-handler-campfire | Allows reporting of Chef Exceptions to Campfire Chat Rooms. |
11 | 85,735 | 55,084 | lita-claydavis | Everyone loves Clay Davis |
12 | 111,720 | 55,084 | lita-nope-badger | Everyone loves the nope-badger |
13 | 116,483 | 55,084 | lita-nope-octopus | Everyone loves the nope-octopus |
14 | 147,194 | 55,084 | chef-provisioning-maas | Provisioner for creating MAAS in Chef Provisioning. |
15 | 147,643 | 55,084 | lita-days | Sometimes you want to know how many days it is from today |
16 | 149,409 | 55,084 | lita-pokemon | This is a way to search for different pokemon quickly and easily. |
17 | 158,177 | 55,084 | lita-command-not-found | Have your bot look for those commands you don't mean to send to the channel. |