Devyhia's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
169,00919,893redis_permalinkA permalink extension to ActiveRecord backed with Redis caching
291,30163,432indexable_attributeThis adds an indexable attribute to ActiveRecord Models
3102,33063,432avoid_has_permalink_duplicatesThis is an add-on to avoid 'has_permalink' gem duplicates/conflicts in Rails by adding ...
4110,08063,432model_serializerA model serializer
5146,66963,432hublot_arThis is the arabic version of Hublot gem
6150,40141,916redis_extensionAdds Redis Caching Middleware to ActiveRecord models
7152,09263,432mercurypayThis is a wrapper for Mercury Payments REST API
8153,11763,432stengineStengine API Wrapper