Mjchadwick's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,50641,916gemwarriorA fun text adventure in the form of a RubyGem!
226,22763,432matrextMatrext takes a string input and then prints it back to the console, one letter at a ti...
334,82863,432feepUse Ruby to make your computer beep at a certain frequency for a certain duration. Do i...
445,92263,432clockerGive Clocker some code to process, and it will run it and display how long it took to f...
561,81163,432imgenCreate an image of a specific height and width using Magick
664,01763,432countrSimple RubyGem that takes a string and displays the number of characters
794,32563,432lita-crazycapsA Lita handler that randomizes the capitalization of a phrase.
8125,95263,432lita-freesoundA Lita handler for interfacing with Freesound.org.