Rafaelss's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,97758,808dnifdnif is a gem to index data using ActiveRecord finders, letting you index your custom m...
237,82958,808pg_queueSome experimentations with LISTEN/NOTIFY for background jobs
338,74335,144tuffGem that adds same fail-fast functionality from rspec to test-unit
441,47923,828cieloxGem for integration with Cielo
543,63323,828yadsSimple deployment tool that uses a single YAML file to put your code live
648,49458,808rack-statusRack middleware that respond to /status requests and return 200 as status code and "OK"...
750,97989,538exception_resourceSave your exceptions
852,79389,538nfeGem para geração de nota fiscal eletrônica
960,55489,538errorinboxSend exceptions to errorinbox.com
1060,90889,538rubocop-vndaRuboCop configuration for Ruby projects at Vnda
1168,70447,536addressable-restA really simple HTTP client on top of Addressable::URI
1279,67340,337brdinheiro-litebrdinheiro-lite é uma versão simplificada da gem brdinheiro do Brazilian Rails
1382,74589,538mocha-colorThis gem try to turn mocha output more readable, adding some colors
1497,68089,538rack-mongoSave data into your mongo collections through a rack app
15121,34258,808cauleDSL to build crawlers easily
16123,30289,538exception-hashifyA very simples gem that transforms exceptions into hashes
17125,00758,808riderRuby Web crawler
18129,12889,538komerciGem para integração com o Komerci da Redecard
19132,75358,808smartyRuby Port of Smarty Template Engine - http://www.smarty.net/
20162,04458,808active_assetAn application to process files and other files