Mathieu's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1707841paranoiaParanoia is a re-implementation of acts_as_paranoid for Rails 5, 6, and 7, using mu...
21,6572,777dynamic_formDynamicForm holds a few helper methods to help you deal with your Rails3 models. It inc...
31,9202,290apipie-railsRails REST API documentation tool
41,9642,015teaspoonRun your Javascript tests using Jasmine, Mocha or QUnit using a variety of platforms.
52,2141,972angular-rails-templatesUse your angular templates with rails' asset pipeline
62,5192,103teaspoon-jasmineRun Jasmine specs in the browser or headless with PhantomJS, Selenium Webdriver, or Cap...
73,1213,619haml_coffee_assetsCompile Haml CoffeeScript templates in the Rails asset pipeline.
83,3654,825teaspoon-mochaRun Mocha specs in the browser or headless with PhantomJS, Selenium Webdriver, or Capyb...
93,5275,569pickleEasy model creation and reference in your cucumber features
104,1513,790capybara-angularCapybara API that knows how to wait for Angular in end to end specs
116,0769,194guard-teaspoonGuard::Teaspoon automatically runs your Javascript tests with all the features of Teasp...
1210,20512,839teaspoon-qunitRun QUnit specs in the browser or headless with PhantomJS, Selenium Webdriver, or Capyb...
1310,6578,937dispatch-riderMessaging system based on the reactor pattern. You can publish messages to a queue...
1418,6938,797webhook_systemA pluggable webhook subscription system
1523,7528,469ph_modelBecause why do less if you can do more with non db models
1625,3078,876config_volumizerAllows turning dot notation config from ENV to rich Hash/Array structures
1727,5149,137activejob-dispatch_rider'ActiveJob::DispatchRider' adds `DispatchRider` support for `ActiveJob`.
1828,3479,137aub-payrollAn AUB Payroll File Generator.
1928,7329,137uob-payrollA UOB Payroll File Generator
2031,1629,137china_bank-payroll_text_fileA payroll text file generator for China Bank
2131,2929,137union_bank-e_creditingGenerates file contents for UnionBank's eCrediting enrollment and transaction files.
2231,3959,137singapore_charitable_donationsCalculators for Singapore Charitable Donations. Supports CDAC, ECF, MBMF, and SINDA.
2331,5359,137singapore_sdl_calculatorCalculates for the employer contributions for the Skill Development Levy Act contributi...
2434,8399,137sg_month_workdays_calculatorImplements month workdays calculation for calculating pay for an incomplete month of work.
2541,86527,598payroll_hero-apiProvides a clean canonical interface to accessing PayrollHero APIs with Ruby
2643,48640,310singapore_cpf_calculatorA Singapore's Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions calculator.
2745,00240,310zoho-subscriptionsA Zoho Subscription API Client.
2845,06440,310paperclip-smart_data_uri_adapterSmarter Paperclip::DataUriAdapter that guesses the file extension to use instead of jus...
3071,08615,758activerecord-mysql-uuid-columnAdds a :uuid column to ActiveRecord MySQL2 Adapter. Store UUIDs as 16 bytes binary column.
3186,97140,310smklibsmklib is somekool's ruby library...
3295,69440,310rails-presenterit should ease the pain of creating a presenter that requires to access Rails helper me...
33129,78740,310render_component_4Components allow you to call other actions for their rendered response while executing ...
34149,00540,310rails-render-componentComponents allow you to call other actions for their rendered response while executing ...
35163,88440,310memoize_delegateSimilar to ruby delegate class method, but memoize the result.
36164,11940,310key_based_cacheRails gem to ease the use of custom cache keys
37150,79837,482mj-teaspoon-jasmineRun Jasmine specs in the browser or headless with PhantomJS, Selenium Webdriver, or Cap...
38150,85937,482mj-teaspoonRun Javascript tests using Jasmine, Mocha or QUnit in the browser or headless using Pha...
39180,38740,310raise_deprecation_warningsOverride ActiveSupport::Deprecation class to raise an error.