Kizmeta's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
125,64036,605ftlFtl is a command line tool for Fog/AWS
232,74236,605kindleManage your Amazon Kindle highlights: Sync and cache to an ActiveRecord database and ou...
343,26136,605hackademicHackademic manages your plain-text academic workflow.
488,32420,946taskpaperI suppose I should write a longer description someday.
597,18153,223imsCommand line tool to send iMessage.
6104,15897,699marvelRuby Marvel Comics API library
7118,04397,699mediasortSort media files from a directory into another directory in the format of: ...
8147,34997,699diceguruRoll sets of dice and generate statistical information
9155,82297,699mercI don't have time for a longer description