Dankim's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,3052,021houstonHouston is a simple gem for sending Apple Push Notifications. Pass your credentials, co...
24,2004,038veniceRuby Gem for In-App Purchase Receipt Verification
34,2324,361devise-bootstrap-viewsBootstrap views for Devise with I18n support.
47,24132,242shenzhenCLI for Building & Distributing iOS Apps (.ipa Files)
59,60413,366cupertinoA command-line interface for the iOS Provisioning Portal
615,28712,711dubaiPassbook pass generation and preview.
757,78935,631alfabankUnofficial alfabank payment gateway gem
867,09935,631acts_as_learnableActsAsLearnable is a Ruby gem for ActiveRecord models. It provides a simple way to crea...
970,19585,430repetitionSpaced repetition algorithm module that can be used as a mixin in Ruby apps
1088,69035,631tinkoffRuby wrapper for Tinkoff Acquiring API.
1167,58982,006annotate_railsAnnotates Rails models, fixtures and other files based on the database schema.
12158,73852,353codewordA simple gem to more elegantly place a staging server or other in-progress application ...
13165,47985,430jekyll-theme-gatsbyJekyll port of gatsby-starter-blog theme
14129,74382,006wordnet_rubyDoesn't require you to convert the original WordNet database into a new database format...