Thommay's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,7571,073ffi-libarchiveA Ruby FFI binding to libarchive.
22,28014,355chef-rewindMonkey patches Chef to allow rewinding and unwinding of existing resources
32,9112,374chef-telemetrySend user actions to the Chef telemetry system. See Chef RFC-051 for further information
43,2235,816minitest-chef-handlerRun minitest suites after your Chef recipes to check the status of your system.
517,67922,021kitchen-nodesA Test Kitchen Provisioner for Chef Nodes
621,16937,465jvmargsSanity check command-line arguments to the JVM
721,37240,267winrm-transport[DEPRECATED] Please use the WinRM gem instead. WinRM transport logic for re-using remot...
824,170147,291busser-bashA Busser runner plugin for testing bash scripts
928,696147,291busser-minitestA Busser runner plugin for the minitest testing library
1098,66560,549kitchen-oraclecloudA Test Kitchen driver for Oracle Cloud
11111,12271,169kitchen-vcairA Test Kitchen vCloud Air driver
12127,24271,169kitchen-vroA Test Kitchen driver for VMware vRealize Orchestrator (vRO)