Aliosm's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
125,11011,910credit_debit_card_number_validatorA simple way to validate credit/debit card number uring ruby
279,68931,663hola_aliA simple hello world gem
3134,66953,556chromableRuby on Rails integration for ChromaDB
4153,71914,661phlex-iconsIcons library for Phlex
5162,08286,038permadepsRuby gem holds my permanent dependencies and configs I'm using in my Rails projects
6172,12653,556phlex-icons-lucideLucide icons library for Phlex
7173,01942,025phlex-icons-heroHero icons library for Phlex
8173,07520,054phlex-icons-flagFlag icons library for Phlex
9173,47353,556phlex-icons-bootstrapBootstrap icons library for Phlex
10173,64553,556phlex-icons-remixRemix icons library for Phlex
11173,68253,556phlex-icons-radixRadix icons library for Phlex
12175,09053,556phlex-icons-tablerTabler icons library for Phlex
13182,70553,556zaidZaid is an Arabic programming language that is designed to be simple and easy to learn.
14182,75453,556zaid2javascriptConvert Zaid to JavaScript
15182,76553,556zaid2rubyConvert Zaid to Ruby
16182,79853,556zaid2pythonConvert Zaid to Python