Ike's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
137,64625,458ruby_strip_emojistrip emoji or convert substitute charactor
242,03463,432hdfs_jrubyHadoop hdfs api for JRuby
346,89563,432embulk-filter-script_rubyScript Ruby
453,85363,432kafka_etl_baseKafa ETL Base
576,49163,432jruby-mapreduceJMapReduce is JRuby Map/Reduce Framework built on top of the Hadoop Distributed computi...
677,17063,432jruby_hivejruby hive api
785,67663,432embulk-output-elasticsearch_1.xElasticsearch 1.x output plugin is an Embulk plugin that loads records to Elasticsearch...
8108,47430,305s3cats3cat command
9141,38163,432embulk-parser-script_rubyParses Script Ruby files read by other file input plugins.