1 | 37,677 | 26,609 | ruby_strip_emoji | strip emoji or convert substitute charactor |
2 | 41,953 | 21,532 | hdfs_jruby | Hadoop hdfs api for JRuby |
3 | 46,752 | 53,556 | embulk-filter-script_ruby | Script Ruby |
4 | 53,810 | 24,968 | kafka_etl_base | Kafa ETL Base |
5 | 76,358 | 31,663 | jruby-mapreduce | JMapReduce is JRuby Map/Reduce Framework built on top of the Hadoop Distributed computi... |
6 | 77,090 | 31,663 | jruby_hive | jruby hive api |
7 | 87,204 | 86,038 | embulk-output-elasticsearch_1.x | Elasticsearch 1.x output plugin is an Embulk plugin that loads records to Elasticsearch... |
8 | 108,485 | 53,556 | s3cat | s3cat command |
9 | 141,199 | 86,038 | embulk-parser-script_ruby | Parses Script Ruby files read by other file input plugins. |