Envato's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,7052,076pagerdutyProvides a lightweight interface for calling the PagerDuty Events API
23,5394,008zxcvbn-rubyRuby port of Dropboxs zxcvbn.js
35,2464,542rails_4_session_flash_backportStore flash in the session in Rails 4 style on Rails 2/3/4
46,1274,816forkedManage long running forked processes
57,2926,743stack_masterStackMaster is a sure-footed way of creating, updating and keeping track of Amazon (AWS...
67,8725,309ejson_wrapperInvoke EJSON from Ruby
78,7046,430jwt_signed_requestJWT request signing and verification for Internal APIs
89,1679,437double_entryTools to build your double entry financial ledger
912,0327,115rack-ecgrack-ecg allows you to serve a page that shows you facts about your deployed app to...
1023,14913,822exiv2A simple wrapper around the C++ Exiv2 libary for reading image metadata
1125,27010,933event_sourceryEvent Sourcing Library
1227,82657,505encapsulate_as_moneyRepresent model attributes as Money instances
1329,13219,502ami_specAcceptance testing your AMIs
1433,68713,822event_sourcery-postgresPostgres event store for use with EventSourcery
1534,65957,505guideDocument your Rails application with a living component library and styleguide
1635,57512,509stack_master-http_parameter_resolverObtain stack parameters from HTTP calls.
1743,15330,732knuckle_clusterInterrogation of AWS ECS clusters, with the ability to directly connect to hosts and co...
1843,20230,732aspect_ratioImage aspect ratio calculation utility
1943,87730,732unwrapprbundle update PRs: Automated. Annotated.
2082,27257,505ruby-shortcodesimplement stupid Wordpress shortcodes in ruby
21126,15957,505stack_master-gpg_parameter_resolverAllow parameters to be stored in encrypted secret files, protected with GPG keys.
22164,19857,505event_sourcery_generatorsAn opinionated CLI tool for building event-sourced Ruby services with EventSourcery
23167,72057,505double_entry-reportingTools to build your double entry financial ledger